Hill Scholte

curriculum vitae

Hill Scholte is interior architect + spacial designer and executive creative director of SchilderScholte architects.

She studied interior architecture at the Willem de Kooning Academy, University of Applied Sciences in Rotterdam. With her final project ‘New Kid in Town’ she won the prestigieus Holland Design Award. Hill has given internationaly lectures, for instance in Johannesburg and New Delhi, with regard to this redevelopment project of a former industral hall into a primary school based on the concept ‘the New Learning’. In January 2014 she gives in addition to the workshop Awasteness in Rajkot (India) an inspiring lecture regarding biomimicry principles. The prize winning Pani community centre in Bangladesh, designed together with her partner Gerrit Schilder Jr., was on exhibition at the Architectural Biennale of Venice 2016 and has been published worldwide.

Hill acted as curator of the Graduation Exhibition Master Retail 2011 of the Piet Zwart institute, was jury member of the China Design Awards and was present as a honourable guest at the Guangzhou Design Week in 2011 and 2012.

She also is course director at the bachelor Lifestyle Transformation Design of the Willem de Kooning Academy, University of Applied Sciences in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.